Hi, I'm Melissa

For years I struggled with acne, weight gain, irritability, anxiety about everything, and upset stomach & bowels.  I watched my mom battle depression and a chronic cough that wouldn't go away and I didn't know how to help her.  


Thankfully after working with a naturopath, I found a different path to health and now my mission is to share that knowledge with other women so they can begin to discover some answers too. My mission is to create a place to learn, discover, and question what you have been told so you are better prepared to  advocate for your health and your family's health. I encourage you to explore the links below to get started or continue your own path to wellness.  

Start Here

Start here to learn more about my journey, the things I learned, the changed I made and what I ALWAYS do now.


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Did you know that metals, chemicals, radiation, parasites, bacteria, viruses, mold & more affect us all in different and surprising ways? Learn more about toxins and how to reduce your exposure.

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 Do you know what popular programs like Whole 30, The Clear Skin Prescription, South Beach Diet, and the Hormone Reset all have in Common?

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If you're like me, it was hard to know what to take and which brand to choose.

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Essential Oils 

I've been using essential oils for years now.  At first I was just diffusing them but once I started researching all the benefits, we use them daily now. 

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Emotional Reset

How you feel emotionally is 99% of the battle.  Learn some simple ways to boost your emotional health.

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More Resources on the Blog

All the things that I've learned and am learning that don't fit in the other categories but you are going to want to make sure you check these out.  Some will definitely surprise you - like what supplements to take before and after sun exposure & more!


You don't have to do this alone!  

Join me on a wellness journey with inspiration and motivation delivered to your inbox.


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The best resource that I have found to have supplements delivered straight to your door is Wellevate (now a part of Fullscript).  All you need to do is sign up for a FREE account below to have access to supplements, expert protocols, and free shipping for orders over $50.